Lymphedema is a multifactorial condition that affects the patient in many areas of his life and in multiple ways. To treat it, a multifactorial approach is required by a multifactorial team of specialties that will work closely together for the assessment, evaluation, preparation of a treatment plan and its implementation, reassessment and change of the treatment plan and finally for the recheck (Morgan and Moffatt,2006, Lewis and Morgan,2008).
The multifactorial team may consist of the following specialties:

Athanasios Giannoukas
Professor of Vascular Surgery
Director of Vascular Surgery Clinic UGHL

Angeliki-Victoria Rousaki Schulze
Associate Professor of Dermatology
Associate Professor of Dermatology
Director of Dermatology Clinic UGHL

Roussa Nikolao
Vascular surgeon E.S.Y         
Curator II UGHL

Stankova Salta Roumiana
Head of Physiotherapy Department UGHL

Papadopoulou Maria- Christina
Physiotherapist UGHL

Tsioli Stavroula
Dietician UGHL

Tsiouri Ioanna
Psychologist, Outpatient Psychiatric Department UGHL

Nakos Christos
Social Worker, Outpatient Psychiatric Department UGHL

Chatzinikou Eleni and Kletsou Eleni
Administrative Employees of the University of Thessaly 

All members of the multifactorial team are involved in diagnosis, assessment, organization of therapeutic intervention, treatment, education and guidance of the patient, assessment of progress and adjustment of treatment plan, recheck (follow-up)(Lymphoedema Framework, 2006).
The Vascular surgeon gives the diagnosis of lymphedema and judges the suitability of the patient for the rehabilitation program. He is responsible for coordinating the action of the multifactorial team for the specific patient, monitors the progress of rehabilitation and intervenes when necessary.
The Dermatologistgives the diagnosis of lymphedema and judges the suitability of the patient for the rehabilitation program. He is responsible for coordinating the action of the multifactorial team for the specific patient, monitors the progress of the rehabilitation and intervenes when necessary. At the same time, it is responsible for treating skin diseases, but it also gives guidelines for skin care.
The Physiotherapist is responsible for the organization and implementation of special decongestant physical therapy with lymphatic massage, special massage bandaging and intermittent compression with air chambers, lymphatic compressive bandaging, special exercise, informing and educating the patient and ordering an elastic sock based on the dimensions of the patient.
The Dietitian is responsible for checking and modifying the patient's diet, but also for providing special nutrition to reduce body weight, when it deviates from the normal limits for his age and height.
The Psychologist is responsible for the psychosocial support of the patient. The intervention includes the design and implementation of psychosocial care strategies, which help patients and their families firstly to accept the chronicity of the condition and the changes it brings and secondly to actively participate in the recovery of lymphedema.
The Social Worker is also responsible for the psychosocial support of the patient, but the role is more basic in informing high-risk groups about the existence of the program. In the framework of the exercise of Social Work with the Community, it will contribute to the information - awareness of the citizens, to the information of patients, who have already been diagnosed with lymphedema but so far have not followed the specific treatment. In addition, it will also contribute to the communication - promotion of the program for the benefit of the families of patients with lymphedema, the health professionals for this program, the wider Community and the Hospital.

The Administrative Employees is responsible for protocol adherence and coordination of multifactorial team members. He is also responsible for the control and conduct of what is required in relation to the administrative services of the body.